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Where we look affects how we feel

Brainspotting locates points in your visual field that help to access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain, the area of the brain responsible for motion, consciousness, emotions, and learning.

Brainspotting uses relational attunement and your field vision to access your brain’s self-scanning and self-healing capabilities. There is little or no requirement to talk through your issue or “relive” the trauma in order to facilitate its release from the body, which avoids retraumatization. This is a gentle and nurturing way of accessing and healing deep issues.

Brainspotting was discovered in 2003 by David Grand, PhD, as an advancement of his work in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy). Grand observed a client getting "stuck" in one spot; by staying in the one spot, Grand observed her going deeper than ever before and so Brainspotting was born.

What to expect during a Brainspotting session:

  • We will build rapport before starting the session.

  • You will tell me about something that is upsetting you that you would like to address during the session.

  • I will ask you to "find" the feeling in your body related to the issue.

  • I will use a pointer to help you find your brainspot.

  • I will ask you to hold your eyes on the spot and focus inward.

  • Your body will start to spontaneously process your issue and I will support you.

  • We will debrief about your session.

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