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Image by Saffu


Re-ignite your Inner Glow

Have you done counselling? Seen a psychologist? Tried various other therapies, woo-woo and otherwise, and still not quite where you'd like to be? And I mean no disrespect to any of these modalities or their practitioners. I speak of my own experience. I had tried many of these - often with multiple people - and yet I still felt stuck. For a while I'd have a longer run of "up" days and but slowly old habits would creep back. It'd be back to same story, different day.

Then I learned about the Central Nervous System - fight / flight, functional freeze and people pleasing. And how to get my nervous system out of these states and create flexibility in my responses.

I also learned that 'The Body Keeps the Score' [Bessel van der Kolk, 2015] - quite literally. Our conscious mind hold 4% of our information - the other 96% is held in our subconscious mind and we don't access to that. Some of our earliest traumatic memories may be from when we're preverbal, so we don't have the capability to put it into words. For this reason we can't talk about what we don't know or have access to- so talk therapy is left lacking.  What we need is to be able to tap into the body - the soma - and what it holds. And this modality of coaching does that - accesses the body to heal trauma stored in the body.

When we are young, our pre-frontal cortex is not yet fully developed - so we cannot make sense of the world. We make sense of the world by making decisions about the world and the people in it in reference to ourselves, because that's what kids do e.g. "I'm not good enough" or "I don't matter" or similar. And then, unless we intervene or have an adult present who can help us properly make sense of the situation, we will forever see the world through this mal-adaptive lens. With somatic trauma-informed coaching we can reset this, and literally reset how you see and operate in the world.

Do you have a particular behaviour that drives you a little crazy but for the life of you, you can't stop doing e.g. procrastinating. What if I told you that this is a protector part of you? It is trying to keep you safe? Not cause havoc in your life.

These are just some of the many examples of what we can address with this gentle and beautifully deep work. This is my deepest and most robust methodology that I offer. Pair this with Brainspotting and you will literally shift to a different timeline.

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