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Certification Brainspotting Session

Feedback Form

Thank you for choosing to do a Brainspotting session with me. I hope you found the session valuable and your experience is important to me.

I would be most grateful if you would complete this short feedback form to tell me about your session experience. Also included below is space to include a testimonial, if you are willing and / or the opportunity to refer these single certification sessions to somebody you feel could benefit.

On a scale of 1-5, how worthwhile was your Brainspotting session?
1 - Did not enjoy it at all
2 - Meh - now I know what Brainspotting is about
3 - OK
4 - Good. I enjoyed it and might tell others about it
5 - Really worthwhile and I will definitely tell others about this!
I am willing to provide a testimonial about my Brainspotting session
Did you use the BioLaterial Sounds during your session?
I am interested in finding out about further coaching / Brainspotting sessions with Margot
Yes. Please contact me
No thank you
I agree to receive the occasional email update
No thanks

Thank you for your time and for being part of my certification process.

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